About us

Who we are
WOTI (World of Tomorrow Institute GmbH) aims to familiarise children and teenagers with democratic values to promote social cohesion with its products and activities.
We are a start-up that specialises in digital education, and are the team behind the impact game “Mayority”. This modern tool for democratic education helps young people to recognise and understand the value of democracy, and teaches them how they themselves can contribute to ensuring a peaceful coexistence. Alongside the game, we have worked hand-in-hand with teachers to develop extensive teaching materials for the promotion of democracy work in schools and youth organisations.

Wofür wir stehen
Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Freiheit, Prosperität und individuelles Glück nur in demokratischen Gesellschaften möglich sind. Demokratien sind aber vergleichsweise komplexe politische Systeme, die auf das Interesse ihrer Bürger*innen an Mitwirkung angewiesen sind. Wir meinen, dieses Interesse muss durch qualitätsvolle, moderne politische Bildung geweckt und immer wieder erneuert werden.
Warum Mayority?
Mit unserem ersten Impact Game Mayority und dem pädagogischen Begleitmaterial unterstützen wir Pädagog*innen dabei, mit Kindern und Jugendlichen an komplexen Themen wie Demokratie, Zusammenleben in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft und Verantwortung zu arbeiten.

“Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning.”
Mayority vermittelt nicht nur Wissen, sondern fördert praktische Erfahrungen und Reflexion. Spielen ist „Handeln auf Probe“ – es macht Spaß und mit Mayority verstehen die Kinder und Jugendlichen intuitiv, welche Rolle sie selbst in demokratischen Prozessen spielen.
Der niederschwellige Zugang zu komplexen Themen, ist einer der Vorteile von Gamification, den wir mit unserem Pionierprojekt demonstrieren und breit nutzbar machen möchten.
How we got here
"Act.Now" first comes to life
WOTI World of Tomorrow Institute GmbH was founded in 2016 under the name Act.Now GmbH, with the primary goal of fostering social cohesion in multicultural societies, particularly during a time marked by significant refugee movements.
Refugees may arrive in a country, but their daily lives unfold in local communities, where mayors play a crucial role in promoting and ensuring peaceful coexistence among people. This is why we invited mayors from the Middle East, Turkey, and various European countries for the first Act.Now International Mayors' Conference. The aim was to provide them with a platform to exchange ideas and insights and, thus, learn from one another. Generously funded by private individuals, this initiative laid the foundation for the "Act.Now International Mayors' Network".
Act.Now Youth Network
All mayors consistently emphasized and recognised the importance of learning about peaceful coexistence from a young age. As a result, the "Act.Now International Youth Network" was established in 2018. The youth network works with mayors to address local issues and provides young people with the necessary tools to become local changemakers.
Since concepts like fairness and equality can hardly be conveyed through conversations alone, the idea of developing an educational game came about.
And so WOTI was born
In 2020, we transferred both the Act.Now International Mayors' Network and the Youth Network to the Innovation in Politics Institute (https://innovationinpolitics.eu/actnow), which we co-founded. To avoid confusion, we also renamed Act.Now GmbH to WOTI World of Tomorrow Institute GmbH.
Mayority in its final stage
In 2022, we completely redesigned the graphics of the impact game 'Mayority' and developed extensive supplementary teaching materials, in collaboration with teachers and the Center for Applied Game Research at the University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria.
Pilot projects and use in the classroom
In early 2023, pilot projects were conducted with teachers in schools and in Austrian municipalities. Since autumn, Mayority is ready for widespread use in classrooms, communities, or youth work.